Doctoral Programme Science & Technology Studies

Doctoral theses at the Department of Science and Technology Studies can be conducted in the frame of the specialisation field Science Studies in the current study plan of the Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences.



Doctoral theses are supervised by Prof. Sarah Davies, Prof. Ulrike Felt and Prof. Maximilian Fochler.


Courses and Summer School

The department regularly offers special courses for PhD students (see u:find). The inclusion of international guest lecturers is an integral part of the doctoral training at the Department of Science and Technology Studies in Vienna.

Since 2001 the department has organised a yearly Summer School in Raach am Hochgebirge in Lower Austria. Doctoral students of the departments can present their current work and discuss it with international guest commentators.

Since 2001, renowned STS researchers from around the globe share their experiences with students in the frame of the Summer School. In recent years, the following guests participated: Mike Michael and Ruth Müller (2023), Celine Parotte, Jane Calvert and Pierre Delvenne (2022), Heidrun Am & Noortje Marres (2019), Sarah Davies & Tereza Stöckelova (2018), Xaq Frohlich & Vololona Rabeharisoa (2017), Clark Miller & Kaushik Sunder Rajan (2016), Wiebe Bijker & John Law (2015), Erik Aarden & Andy Stirling (2014), Sarah Davies & William J. Kinsella (2013), Stephen Hilgartner & Maja Horst (2012), Flis Henwood & Merle Jacob (2011).



Funding & Employment Opportunities 

  • Collaboration in research projects at the department

  • Employment as predoc at the department

  • In the frame of a sowi:docs fellowship: Students from Austria and abroad who aim to apply for a fellowship need to address their desired supervisor in due course before the application to ensure feedback beforehand. 

  • DOC fellowships are awarded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences to students at all Austrian universities. The target group are highly qualified doctoral students. Students who aim to apply for a fellowship need to address their desired supervisor in due course before the application to ensure feedback beforehand.