Bao-Chau Pham, MA (Hons) MA

Researcher (prae doc)

Tel.: +43-1-4277-49617


Bao-Chau Pham joined the Department of Science and Technology Studies as university assistant (prae doc) in September 2020. She is part of Univ.-Prof. Sarah Davies’ research group on Technosciences, Materiality and Digital Cultures.

Bao-Chau’s academic background is in international relations and conflict and security studies. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of St Andrews and her Master’s at the War Studies Department, King’s College London. During her Master’s degree Bao-Chau became interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence and international security. For her PhD she explores the co-production of artificial intelligence and society, especially in security settings, as well as public sense-making and the governance of artificial intelligence.


Davies S, (ed.), Schikowitz A, (ed.), Mora-Gámez F, (ed.), Goldberg E, (ed.), Dessewffy E, (ed.), Pham BC, (ed.) et al. Revisiting Reflexivity: Liveable Worlds in Research and Beyond. Bristol University Press, 2025. 272 p. (Dis-positions: Troubling Methods and Theory in STS).

Schmid S, Pham BC, Ferl AK. Trust in artificial intelligence: Producing ontological security through governmental visions. Cooperation and Conflict. 2024 Oct 19. Epub 2024 Oct 19. doi: 10.1177/00108367241288073

Pham BC, Davies S. Policy as infrastructure: Enacting artificial intelligence and making Europe. In Klimburg-Witjes N, Trauttmansdorff P, editors, Technopolitics and the Making of Europe: Infrastructures of Security. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2024. p. 125–140 Epub 2023.

Pham BC, Gregory K, Davies S, Schikowitz A, Dessewffy E, Goldberg E et al. Academic citizenship, together: Prioritising care and reflexivity in scholarly life. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education. 2024 Mar 5;6(2):66–79. 6. doi: 10.47989/kpdc478

Davies S, Pham BC. Luck and the ‘situations’ of research. Social Studies of Science. 2023 Apr;53(2):287-299. Epub 2022 Oct. doi: 10.1177/03063127221125438

Riegler N, Brockhaus M, Zogu G, Bumann N, Illes A, Wardemann RK et al.. Doctor it! Episode 9: Managing time 2023.

Avkiran AS, Pham BC, Holmer C, Schikowitz A, Dessewffy E, Mora-Gámez F et al. Pandemic Research: Reflecting an on auto-ethnography of mundane academic practice in pandemic times. In DIY Methods: A Mostly Screen-Free, Zine-Full, Remote- Participation Conference on Experimental Methods for Research and Research Exchange. The Low-Carbon Research Methods Group. 2022. p. 243-253

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