Univ.-Prof. Sarah Davies, BSc MSc PhD (sabbatical)


eMail: sarah.davies@univie.ac.at


Sarah R. Davies is Professor of Technosciences, Materiality, & Digital Cultures at the Department of Science and Technology Studies. Her work explores how science and society are co-produced – how society defines the conditions of scientific research, and how science is present in wider society. The ‘red thread’ of the digital and digitisation runs throughout. She has written about hackers and hackerspaces, how scientists experience the conditions of contemporary academia, and science communication formats such as science festivals or museums.

Her PhD (2008) was carried out at Imperial College London. Since then her career has been highly international: she has worked in the UK, US, Denmark (as a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow, before becoming associate professor) and Norway. She has published a number of books, including Hackerspaces (2017, Polity), Science Communication (2016, Palgrave, with Maja Horst), and Exploring Science Communication (2020, SAGE, with Ulrike Felt). She is a co-founder of the Science in Public conference series, sits on the scientific committee of the International Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology, and has given more than 20 invited keynote talks and public lectures across Denmark, Switzerland, New Zealand, Austria, the US, UK, Germany, and France since 2014.

Professor Davies' inaugural lecture was held on 7 December 2022. You can find the text and video at the following links' here: Video & Full text

Current Research Interests

Davies’ current work includes involvement in the European project QUEST and in the project ‘Understanding gender imbalances among university professors: the shaping and reshaping of epistemic living spaces’ (GENDIM), coordinated by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. More generally she works on:

  • Critical studies of science communication, public engagement with science (including activism and protest), and amateur science;
  • Public interactions with digitised science and technology, including science on social media, subversion and negotiation of 'datafication', and data subjectivities;
  • The contemporary conditions of academic work and knowledge production
  • Digitisation within scientific knowledge production, including studies of data deluges, the co-production of digital technologies and academic work, and mundane use of digital tools.


Davies SR. How we talk when we talk about nano: The future in laypeople's talk. Futures. 2011;43(3):317-326. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2010.07.003

Davies SR, Kearnes MB, Macnaghten P. Nanotechnology and Public Engagement: A New Kind of (Social) Science? In Kjolberg K, Wickson F, editors, Nano meets Macro. Singapore: Pan Stanford. 2010. p. 473-499

Davies SR, Macnaghten P. Narratives of Mastery and Resistance: Lay Ethics of Nanotechnology: NanoEthics. NanoEthics. 2010;4(2):141-151. doi: 10.1007/s11569-010-0096-5

Davies SR. The Exhibition and Beyond: New and Controversial Science in the Museum. In Filippoupoliti A, Farnell G, editors, The Science Exhibition: Curation and Design. Edinburgh: MuseumsEtc. 2010. p. 152-177

Davies S, McCallie E, Simonsson E, Lehr JL, Duensing S. Discussing Dialogue: Perspectives on the Value of Science Dialogue Events that do not Inform Policy. Public Understanding of Science. 2009;18(3):338-353. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0963662507079760

Davies SR. Learning to engage; engaging to learn: The purposes of informal science-public dialogue. In Holliman R, Whitelegg L, Scanlon E, Schmidt S, Thomas J, editors, Investigating science communication in the information age. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009

Davies SR. "A bit more cautious, a bit more critical": Science and the public in scientists' talk. In Science and its Publics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2008. p. 15-36

Davies SR. Constructing Communication: Talking to Scientists About Talking to the Public. Science Communication. 2008;29(4):413-434. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1075547008316222

Bell A, (ed.), Davies S, (ed.), Mellor F, (ed.). Science and its Publics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.

McCallie E, Simonsson E, Gammon B, Nilsson K, Lehr JL, Davies SR. Learning to Generate Dialogue: Theory, Practice, and Evaluation. Museums and Social Issues. 2007;2(2):165-184. doi: https://doi.org/10.1179/msi.2007.2.2.165

Lehr JL, McCallie E, Davies SR, Caron BR, Gammon B, Duensing S. The Value of “Dialogue Events” as Sites of Learning: An exploration of research and evaluation frameworks. International Journal of Science Education. 2007;29(12):1467-1487. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09500690701494092

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