Archive Events

14.12.2009 18:00

Gastvortrag "Die Geburt der Wissenschaften aus dem Geist des Rechts"

von Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Manfred E.A. Schmutzer (Vorstand des Instiuts für Technik und Gesellschaft an der TU Wien)

18.01.2010 18:00

January 2010: Open lecture by Rick B. Duque

The Tree of Enmity: Post-global science, tribalsism and multi-ethnic democracy in Kenya

25.01.2010 18:00

January 2010: Open lecture by Niki Vermeulen

Supersizing Science: the case of big biology

07.09.2010 13:31

Open lecture by Jacob Metcalf

"Humanized Animals and the Logic of Close Enough: A Case Study in Constructing an Object of Ethical Inquiry"

18.07.2011 16:00

July 2011: Open lecture by Bart Penders and John N. Parker

Collaboration in Nutrition and Ecology

25.11.2011 12:00

November 2011: Open lecture by Silvia Lindtner

"Pasts and Futures in the Making: Hackerspaces as sites of Open Innovation in urban China"

 Archive News


Wir suchen im Rahmen des EU-Projekts Smart4Health Interessierte, die sich an einer Bürger/innendiskussion zum Thema Gesundheitsdaten beteiligen...

14.06.2019 09:00

Hearing for the professorship „Technosciences, Materiality and Digital Cultures“

Dear colleagues,

we cordially invite you to the hearing for the upcoming professorship "Technosciences, Materiality and Digital Culture" at the...


Weg vom Messbarmachen, hin zu neuen Gesprächsformen: Ulrike Felt und Max Fochler vom Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung sind in einer...


Job Opening Doctoral/Postdoctoral Researcher (3 years)

Doctoral/Postdoctoral Researcher, 30h/week, 3 years


Job Announcement Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant, 14h/week, 01.03.2019-28.02.2021


Confirmed keynote speakers:

Linsey McGoey (University of Essex),

Matthias Gross (University of Jena, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research –...