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Borderlands of Good Scientific Practice


When it comes to questions of good scientific practice, there are often no clear boundaries, but grey areas. The map-based discussion method "RESPONSE_ABILITY" helps scientists to better recognise these and to deal with them adequately.

The research project "Borderlands of Good Scientific Practice" examined questions around the grey areas and border crossings of good scientific practice.

The map-based discussion method "RESPONSE_ABILITY" used in this project enabled young researchers in particular to reflect on their values in science and develop skills to be able to address questions of research integrity in a context-specific way.

In doing so, the project leader Ulrike Felt and her colleague Florentine Frantz did not so much take on the role of teachers, but wanted to create a space in which an open exchange on this topic can take place.

For further information on the German article by the Faculty of Social Sciences, click here. 

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