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Changing Worlds Conference

19.11.2015 - 21.11.2015

Call for Contributions extended till Wednesday, 15 July

Concept and organization:

Angela Prendl, Bernhard Winkler, Boka En,
Dely Horváth, Helene Sorgner, Mercedes Pöll, Milena Wuketich,
Nikolaus Pöchhacker, Thomas Danecker, Victoria Neuman

What is Changing Worlds?

Under the auspices of Changing Worlds, we ask how the worlds we inhabit change and change us, and how we as their inhabitants change them in turn, all the while taking into consideration social and structural power dynamics and matters of social justice and distribution of resources. In doing so, we hold the understanding that neither we nor others are ever neutral, but necessarily ‘biased’ in our positions in and towards the world as well as in our engagements with the world. We are interested in facing and considering the intersections, convergences and confrontations between science and technology, art, academia and activism. We particularly welcome critical and nuanced perspectives on as well as interventions in the worlds that are produced by and produce science and technology.

Contact: changingworlds.sts@univie.ac.at

Conference Webpage: https://changingworlds.univie.ac.at

Changing Worlds
Palais Strozzi, Institute for Advanced Studies