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INSIST Event: Research in Practice with Florentine Frantz

04.11.2019 17:00

This student-organized event series will focus on talking about what doing a PhD and research in STS is 'really' like.

The INSIST Vienna group consists of motivated STS Master students who organize, amongst others, a series of events to discuss academic career pathways: the Research in Practice Talks. For every session they invite an early career researcher to talk about their experiences.

For the session on the 4.11. they invited Florentine Frantz, a PhD candidate at the department. She is going to talk about her research in the framework of the project Borderlands of Good Scientific Practice at the Research Platform for Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice. Florentine also offers us some hands-on experiences with the card-based discussion method RESPONSE_ABILITY, which she developed together with Ulrike Felt in the framework of their project. This methods is designed to facilitate focus-group discussions with researchers about research integrity and ethics.

Location: STS Seminarroom, NIG 1010 Wien Universitätsstraße 7/II/6.Stock

© Kathrin Gusenbauer
