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New Blogpost


There is a new blogpost by Katja Mayer and Carsten Horn.


In our blogpost we delve into the complexities of the in/visibilities of inequalities in the global digital transformation. In particular, we explore the theme inspired by Noopur Raval’s thought-provoking commentary on the notion of “ghost work.” Raval’s commentary challenges the discourse surrounding the invisibility of workers from the Global South, despite the good intentions of global pro-worker reforms. This raises important questions about the conditions and meanings of visibility and how they shape our understanding of social change. We report how we examined and discussed how to make the socio-technical complexity of  infrastructures visible, and the challenges of translation of visibility into social change.

Slake your curiosity by reading the full post here: blog-sts.univie.ac.at/2023/06/01/in-visibilities-of-inequalities-in-the-global-digital-transformation/