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Two new articles on STS and science communication


Sarah Davies has just published two invited commentaries reflecting on public communication of science

The first essay, "STS and science communication: Reflecting on a relationship", considers the relation between science communication research and practice and the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), and appears in a special issue of the journal Public Understanding of Science that celebrates its 30th anniversary. Davies discusses what STS can bring to science communication, and reflects on her own experiences at the intersection of these fields..

The second essay, "Science Communication at a Time of Crisis: Emergency, Democracy, and Persuasion, reflects on the role of science communication in contemporary democratic societies, with a particular focus on how it should be imagined and practiced in times of crisis and emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic or climate change. Sarah Davies argues for the continued importance of science communication in nurturing democracy even at times of crisis.

Read them at the links above!