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Vienna STS Talk, 31.05., 17:00


Surveillance life and the shaping of ‘genetically at risk’ chronicities in Denmark

Ayo WAHLBERG (Univ. of Copenhagen)

online talk: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/92483477570?pwd=VFl6RlFEM3JZdy90b21DYndOWTlHdz09
Meeting-ID: 924 8347 7570
Kenncode: 122717


This talk summarises the developing main arguments of a book project titled Surveillance Life which is an assemblage ethnography of how a preventive healthcare complex has coalesced in Denmark over the past decades, not least shaping the lives of families living with Lynch Syndrome (inherited elevated risk of colorectal cancer) who are actively enrolled into lifelong medical surveillance programmes. Working in collaboration with Laura Heinsen and Helle Vendel Petersen, the research behind the book project has investigated the shaping of genetically at risk chronicities and resulting surveillance life as forms of chronic living.

Ayo Wahlberg is Professor of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen. He is the Principal Investigator of the project VITAL funded by the European Research Council. This project empirically investigates and analyses the making of “quality of life” through ethnographic studies of genetic counselling, patient education programmes, clinical trials, and efforts to support people as they learn to live with (multiple) chronic conditions. By doing so, Ayo’s project focuses on how knowledge about living with disease is assembled and mobilized and how chronic living is negotiated and practiced on the other. Before VITAL, Ayo also studied selective reproductive technologies (SRTs) and the ways in which they are routinised throughout the world. To do so, he carried out episodic fieldwork at China’s largest fertility clinic and sperm bank.

PLEASE NOTE: As a preparation for the talk, the presenter has provided a forthcoming paper that lays the foundation for the book. Please send an email to fredy.mora.gamez@univie.ac.at if you want a digital copy of the paper.