Department of Science and Technology Studies

Science, technology and innovation shape life in modern societies in countless ways. Some of these are perceived as positive, others are deeply controversial. In turn, policy, corporations, the media and other societal actors influence how knowledge and technologies are produced. Science and technology studies analyzes these interactions, and aims to foster critical and reflexive debates on the relations of science, technology and society.

 New Publications

Felt U, Öchsner S, Rae R. Citizens in Search for a Place in the Digital Health Data Space: A Case Study. In Pfeifer B, Baumgartner M, editors, dHealth 2022 - Proceedings of the 16th Health Informatics Meets Digital Health Conference. Vol. 293. 2022. p. 127-136. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics). doi: 10.3233/SHTI220359

Bayer F. Die Etablierung der Wiener Nuklearmedizin im Kontext des Ost-West-Konflikts. In Nemec B, Hofer HG, Seebacher F, Schütz W, editors, Medizin in Wien nach 1945: Strukturen, Aushandlungsprozesse, Reflexionen. V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2022. (650 Jahre Universität Wien - Aufbruch ins neue Jahrhundert, Vol. 6). doi: 10.14220/9783737013932.447