Showing entries 101 - 110 out of 167
Felt, U., Felder, K. F., & Penkler, M. (2017). How differences matter: Tracing diversity practices in obesity treatment and health promotion. Sociology of Health and Illness, 39(1), 127-142.
Fochler, M., & De Rijcke, S. (2017). Implicated in the Indicator Game? An Experimental Debate. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 3, 21-40.
Felt, U. (2017). Under the Shadow of Time: Where Indicators and Academic Values Meet. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 3, 53-63.
Aarden, E. (2016). Translating genetics beyond bench and bedside: A comparative perspective on health care infrastructures for 'familial' breast cancer. Applied & Translational Genomics, 11, 48-54.
Paulitz, T., Goisauf, M., & Zapusek, S. (2016). Lebenspraxis Wissenschaft? Von der praktischen Sperrigkeit des Work-Life-Balance-Konzepts im wissenschaftlichen Feld. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 41(3), 319-337.
Fochler, M. (2016). Variants of epistemic capitalism: knowledge production and the accumulation of worth in commercial biotechnology and the academic life sciences. Science, Technology & Human Values, 41(5), 922-948.
Felt, U., Igelsböck, J., Schikowitz, A., & Völker, T. (2016). Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research in Practice: Between imaginaries of collective experimentation and entrenched academic value orders. Science, Technology & Human Values, 41(4), 732-761.
Fochler, M., Felt, U., & Müller, R. (2016). Unsustainable growth, hyper-competition, and worth in life science research: Narrowing evaluative repertoires in doctoral and postdoctoral scientists’ work and lives. Minerva, 54(2), 175-200.
Sigl, L. (2016). On the Tacit Governance of Research by Uncertainty: How Early Stage Researchers Contribute to the Governance of Life Science Research. Science, Technology & Human Values, 41(3), 347-374.
Fochler, M. (2016). Beyond and between academia and business: How Austrian biotechnology researchers describe high-tech startup companies as spaces of knowledge production. Social Studies of Science, 46(2), 259-281.
Showing entries 101 - 110 out of 167