Most Recent Publications
Showing entries 501 - 520 out of 554
Strassnig M, Müller A, Fochler M, Felt U. Let's talk about GOLD! Analysing the interactions between genome research(ers) and the public as a learning process: Final Project Report. 2007.
Felt U, (ed.). Optimizing Public Understanding of Science and Technology, Final Report. Shanghai: Shanghai Popular Science Press, 2007.
Müller A, Fochler M, Felt U. Public consultation and foresight initiatives in Austria: Late start and hesitant implementation. In Felt U, editor, Optimizing Public Understanding of Science and Technology, Final Report. 2007
Müller R, Felt U. Recht auf Nicht-Wissen? Die Furche: Wochenzeitung für Gesellschaft, Politik, Kultur, Religion und Wirtschaft. 2007;(Nr. 18):24-24.
Chavot P, Felt U. (Re)n positionner la science dans l'espace public. In Hert P, editor, Sciences et frontiéres: délimitations du savoir, objets et passages. Unknown publisher. 2007
Felt U, Wynne B. Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously: Report of the Expert Group on Science and Governance to the Science, Economy and Society Directorate, Directorate-General for Research, European Commission. Luxembourg: European Commission, 2007. 96 p.
Felt U. The New Meaning of Leadership in Autonomous Universities. In Conraths B, Trusso A, editors, Managing the University Community: Exploring Good Practice. Unknown publisher. 2007. p. 11-12
Felt U. Über die allgemeine Studiengläubigkeit und die Verbreitungsmechanismen in der Studienbranche: Interview 2007.
Felt U. "Vom Insulin zum Gen-Test": Was kann und darf die Genforschung in der Medizin?
Ein Dialog über Verantwortung und Vertrauen. 2007.
Felt U. What kind of publishing system do we live in? A comment to Aksel Tjora. EASST Review. 2007;Vol 26(1):6-8.
Felt U. wissenschaft zum sprechen bringen. Universitäten als Orte der Wissenschaftskommunikation. In Volz KR, editor, Das Humboldt-Labor. Freiburg: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. 2007. p. 17-19
Felt U. Zukunftsszenarien als wissenschaftliche Ressource: Begegnungen zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Medien. In Folkers G, editor, Archäologie der Zukunft. Zürich: Chronos Verlag. 2007. p. 287-302
Felt U, Sigl L, Wöhrer V. Austrian National Report. Workpackage 1 - State of Art, September 2006: Austrian Report on the 1st Work Package: EU-Project "Knowledge, Instituttions and Gender: An East-West Comparative Study (KNOWING). 2006.
Winkler P, Fochler M, Felt U. Between "free choice" and "pre-determined options" - A comparative analysis of the co-configuration of understandings of technoscience, techno-political culture and individual agency in focus groups on organ transplantation and genetic testing (Austria, France and the Netherlands)
- Article Draft, December 2006. Unknown publisher. 2006.
Winkler P, Fochler M, Felt U. Challenges of Biomedicine - Local Report Austria: Analysis of the National Focus Group Data of the CoB Project. Unknown publisher. 2006.
Showing entries 501 - 520 out of 554