Most Recent Publications

Felt U, Felder KF, Penkler M. Policy Intervention as Moral Work - A Case Study of Obesity-Related Health Programs for Socially Disadvantaged Groups in Austria. 2013. Paper presented at 8th International Conference in Interpretative Policy Analysis, Wien, Austria.

Felt U, Fochler M. What Science Stories Do: Rethinking the Multiple Consequences of Intensified Science Communication. In Baranger P, Schiele B, editors, Science Communication Today. International Perspectives, Issues and Strategies. Paris: CNRS Editions. 2013. p. 75-90

Felt U. Wissenschaft. In Flicker E, Forster R, editors, Forschungs- und Anwendungsfelder der Soziologie. 2. ed. Wien: Facultas. 2013. p. 283-298

Felt U. Within, Across and Beyond – Reconsidering the Role of Social Science and Humanities in Europe. In Mayer K, König T, Nowotny H, editors, Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities, Conference Report (Vilnius, Lithuania, 23.-24.09.2013). Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University Publishing. 2013. p. 53-63

Mayer K. Objectifying social structures: Network visualization as means of social optimization. Theory & Psychology. 2012 Jan 1;22(2):162-178. doi:, 10.1177/0959354311427488

Kubicek B, (ed.), Miglbauer M, (ed.), Muckenhuber J, (ed.), Schwarz C, (ed.). Arbeitswelten im Wandel. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven der Arbeitsforschung. Facultas, 2012.

Vermeulen N, (ed.), Tamminen S, (ed.), Webster A, (ed.). Bio-Objects. Life in the 21st Century. Ashgate, 2012. 240 p.

Miller BP, Duque RB, Shrum W. Gender, ICTs, and Productivity in Low-Income Countries: Panel Study. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2012;37(1):30-63. doi:

Felt U, Fochler M. Re-ordering Epistemic Living Spaces: On the Tacit Governance Effects of the Public Communication of Science. In Rödder S, Franzen M, Weingart P, editors, The Sciences´ Media Connection - Communication to the Public and its Repercussions. Dortrecht: Springer. 2012. p. 133-154. (Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook; No. 28).