Most Recent Publications

Metzler I, Åm H. How the governance of and through digital contact tracing technologies shapes geographies of power. Policy & Politics. 2022 Apr;50(2):181-198. Epub 2022 Feb 15. doi: 10.1332/030557321X16420096592965

Mora-Gámez F, Morales Fontanilla J, Bernasconi O. Human Rights, Violence(s), and STS. 2022. 4S-ESOCITE Cholula, Cholula, Mexico.

Klimburg-Witjes N (Interviewee), Staus H (Author). Space Debris: An underestimated danger? Wien: Trending Topics GmbH. 2022.

Felt U, Öchsner S, Rae R. Citizens in Search for a Place in the Digital Health Data Space: A Case Study. In Pfeifer B, Baumgartner M, editors, dHealth 2022 - Proceedings of the 16th Health Informatics Meets Digital Health Conference. Vol. 293. 2022. p. 127-136. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics). doi: 10.3233/SHTI220359

Klimburg-Witjes N, Leese M, Trauttmansdorff P. Expanding boundaries: Unmaking and remaking secrecy in field research. Political anthropological research on international social sciences. 2022;3(2):168-197. Epub 2022 Nov 8. doi:

Mayer K, Shah EI. Human Sensors. In Sensing In/Security. Mattering Press. 2022. p. 206-215 doi:

Verstappen S, Davies S. Investigating scientific practice with ethnographic film. In EASA Media Anthropology Network E-Seminars. Vol. 69. 2022

Felt U. Making and Taking Time. Work, funding and assessment infrastructures in inter- and transdisciplinary research. In Vienni Baptista B, Thompson Klein J, editors, Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity: Collaboration across Cultures and Communities. 1. ed. London: Routledge. 2022 doi:

Mobach K, Felt U. On the Entanglement of Science and Europe at CERN: The Temporal Dynamics of a Coproductive Relationship. Science as Culture. 2022;31(3):382-407. Epub 2022 May 20. doi: 10.1080/09505431.2022.2076586

Mayer K. Open Access im Wandel: Infrastrukturen, Monitoring und Governance als zentrale Elemente einer erfolgreichen Transformation. . Wien: BMBWF, 2022. 105 p. (The fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation). doi: 10.22163/fteval.2022.533

Mayer K, Schürz S, Kieslinger B, Schäfer T. Transformation messen und verstehen: partizipative Evaluationsansätze für Citizen Science. In Howaldt J, Kreibich M, Streicher J, Thiem C, editors, Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen: Neue Herausforderungen für Politik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. 1 ed. Frankfurt: Campus. 2022. p. 207-224