Most Recent Publications
Showing entries 161 - 180 out of 557
Mayer K, Strassnig M. The Digital Humanism Initiative in Vienna: A Report based on our Exploratory Study Commissioned by the City of Vienna. In Fritz J, Tomaschek N, editors, Digitaler Humanismus. 1 ed. Vol. 9. Wien: Waxmann Verlag. 2020 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4250144
Felt U, Öchsner S, Rae R. The Making of Digital Health: Between Visions and Realizations. In Digitaler Humanismus. Menschliche Werte in der virtuellen Welt. Münster: Waxmann Münster. 2020. p. 89-101. (University - Society - Industry: Beiträge zum lebensbegleitenden Lernen und Wissenstransfer, Vol. 9).
Rae R. Imagining health data flows: everyday life, sensors, and a data platform. 2020. 4S / EASST 2020, Prag, Czech Republic.
Heck T, Mayer K, Peters I, Fischer C, Breznau N, Havemann J et al. Open Science, aber richtig! Was wir aus der Heinsberg-Studie lernen können. 2020. doi: 10.31222/, 10.31222/
Breznau N, Mayer K, Fischer C, Havemann J, Heck T, Peters I et al. Open Science, but Correctly! Lessons from the Heinsberg Study. 2020. doi: 10.31222/, 10.31222/
Mora-Gámez F. Beyond citizenship: the material politics of alternative infrastructures. Citizenship Studies. 2020 Jul 3;24(5):696-711. doi: 10.1080/13621025.2020.1784648
Sigl L, Felt U, Fochler M. “I am Primarily Paid for Publishing ...” The Narrative Framing of Societal Responsibilities in Academic Life Science Research. Science and Engineering Ethics. 2020 Jun;26(3):1569–1593. doi: 10.1007/s11948-020-00191-8
Schwarz-Plaschg C. Why Psychedelic Researchers Should Not Push Back Against Decriminalization 2020.
Prainsack B, Kieslich K, Haddad C, Paul KT, Radhuber I, Riesinger K et al.. In kollektiver Einsamkeit? Erste Ergebnisse einer 9-Länder Interview-Studie der Forschungsgruppe Zeitgenössische Solidaritätsstudien an der Uni Wien (In collective loneliness? First results of a 9-country interview study by the Contemporary Solidarity Studies research group at the University of Vienna): Corona-Blog 30 2020.
hutsteiner R, Felt U. „Mathematiker-Papier“, Online-Experimentieren: Austausch in der Wissenschaft trotz Distanz ORF Ö1. 2020.
Nowotny M, Felt U. Wissenschaft macht Politik? Chancen und Grenzen einer evidenzbasierten Politik. ORF Ö1. 2020.
Mayer K, Dobusch L, Heimstädt M, Ross-Hellauer T. Defining predatory journals: no peer review, no point. Nature. 2020 Apr 1;580(7801):29-29. 29. doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-00911-x
Mobach K. Thoughts on Legibility, the Coronavirus and Responsibility Reflections - Blog of the STS Department at the University of Vienna. 2020.
Felt U. Public Health Communication: Anecdotal Evidence and Responsibility in Print Media Accounts of Obesity. In Felt U, Davies S, editors, Exploring Science Communication. A Science and Technology Studies Approach. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 2020. p. 131-148
Penkler M, Felder KF, Felt U. Challenging Diversity: Steering Effects of Buzzwords in Projectified Healthcare. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2020 Jan;45(1):138-163. Epub 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1177/0162243919841694
Mora-Gámez F, Brown SD. A reparação a despeito de si mesma: traições psi na Colômbia pós-conflito. In Arruda Leal Ferreira A, editor, Governamentalidade e práticas psi: a gestão pela liberdade. Vol. 2021-03. Rio de Janeiro: Editora NAU. 2020. p. 523-548
Schikowitz A. Creating Relevant Knowledge in Transdisciplinary Research Projects - Coping With Inherent Tensions. Journal of Responsible Innovation. 2020;7(2):217-237. doi: 10.1080/23299460.2019.1653154
Showing entries 161 - 180 out of 557