Most Recent Publications

Mayer K, Strassnig M. The Digital Humanism Initiative in Vienna: A Report based on our Exploratory Study Commissioned by the City of Vienna. In Fritz J, Tomaschek N, editors, Digitaler Humanismus. 1 ed. Vol. 9. Wien: Waxmann Verlag. 2020 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4250144

Felt U, Öchsner S, Rae R. The Making of Digital Health: Between Visions and Realizations. In Digitaler Humanismus. Menschliche Werte in der virtuellen Welt. Münster: Waxmann Münster. 2020. p. 89-101. (University - Society - Industry: Beiträge zum lebensbegleitenden Lernen und Wissenstransfer, Vol. 9).

Rae R. Imagining health data flows: everyday life, sensors, and a data platform. 2020. 4S / EASST 2020, Prag, Czech Republic.

Heck T, Mayer K, Peters I, Fischer C, Breznau N, Havemann J et al. Open Science, aber richtig! Was wir aus der Heinsberg-Studie lernen können. 2020. doi: 10.31222/, 10.31222/

Breznau N, Mayer K, Fischer C, Havemann J, Heck T, Peters I et al. Open Science, but Correctly! Lessons from the Heinsberg Study. 2020. doi: 10.31222/, 10.31222/

Mayer K, Dobusch L, Heimstädt M, Ross-Hellauer T. Defining predatory journals: no peer review, no point. Nature. 2020 Apr 1;580(7801):29-29. 29. doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-00911-x

Mobach K. Thoughts on Legibility, the Coronavirus and Responsibility Reflections - Blog of the STS Department at the University of Vienna. 2020.

Felt U. Public Health Communication: Anecdotal Evidence and Responsibility in Print Media Accounts of Obesity. In Felt U, Davies S, editors, Exploring Science Communication. A Science and Technology Studies Approach. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 2020. p. 131-148

Mora-Gámez F, Brown SD. A reparação a despeito de si mesma: traições psi na Colômbia pós-conflito. In Arruda Leal Ferreira A, editor, Governamentalidade e práticas psi: a gestão pela liberdade. Vol. 2021-03. Rio de Janeiro: Editora NAU. 2020. p. 523-548