Department of Science and Technology Studies

Science, technology and innovation shape life in modern societies in countless ways. Some of these are perceived as positive, others are deeply controversial. In turn, policy, corporations, the media and other societal actors influence how knowledge and technologies are produced. Science and technology studies analyzes these interactions, and aims to foster critical and reflexive debates on the relations of science, technology and society.

 News & Events

29.02.2024 18:00

We are thrilled to announce Professor's Ulrike Felt 2024 Haldane Lecture on Thu, February 29th, 2024, 6:00 - 7:00 pm at Wolfson College, University of...


Der Beitrag beleuchtet die zunehmende Gefahr, die durch Tausende von Trümmerteilen im Weltraum entsteht, und erläutert die Auswirkungen auf die...


We are thrilled to announce Thomas Völker's STS Talk on 17th January 2024, 5.30 pm.


FutureSpace is a 5-year research project at the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the University of Vienna. The project is led by...


We are thrilled to announce Stefan Böschen's STS Talk on 12 December 2023, 5.30 pm.

STS Talks Vienna

Im Forschungsprojekt „Valuing, Being, Knowing“ wurde untersucht, wie Fragen von gesellschaftlicher Relevanz in den Lebenswissenschaften mehr zum...

 New Publications

Mayer K, Weber J. Targeting from a Distance: Formatting Social Relations in Data-Driven Warfare. In Burkhardt M, Shnayien M, Grashöfer K, editors, Explorations in Digital Cultures. meson press. 2021. p. 1-20

Davies S, Franks S, Roche J, Schmidt AL, Wells R, Zollo F. The Landscape of European Science Communication. JCOM. 2021;20(3):1-9. A01. doi: 10.22323/2.20030201

Felt U. The Temporal Fabric of Academic Lives: Of Weaving, Repairing, and Resisting. In Vostal F, editor, Inquiring into Academic Timescapes. Bingley: Emerald Publishing. 2021. p. 265-278

Metzler I. Imaginaries as infrastructures? The emergence of non-invasive prenatal testing in Austria. BioSocieties. 2020 Dec;15(4):601-626. Epub 2019 Oct 4. doi: 10.1057/s41292-019-00171-7