Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 165
Schikowitz, A. (2025). Self-Managed Housing in Vienna: Managing Ambivalences Between Invitability and Resistance. Social Inclusion, 13.
Schikowitz, A., Dessewffy, E., Davies, S., Pham, B.-C., Gregory, K., Goldberg, E., Avkiran, A. S., & Mora-Gámez, F. (2025). Writing Choreographies: (STS) Knowledge Production in Post- digital Academia. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 1.
Schmid, S., Pham, B.-C., & Ferl, A.-K. (2024). Trust in artificial intelligence: Producing ontological security through governmental visions. Cooperation and Conflict. Advance online publication.
Verstappen, S., & Davies, S. (2024). Ethnographic film as world-making: Connecting visual anthropology with Science and Technology Studies. Visual Anthropology Review. Advance online publication.
Pham, B.-C., & Davies, S. (2024). What problems is the AI act solving? Technological solutionism, fundamental rights, and trustworthiness in European AI policy. Critical Policy Studies. Advance online publication.
Schikowitz, A., & Davies, S. (2024). Housing activists' science communication: online practices as contextual and reflexive. JCOM, 23(5), Article A01.
Radhuber, I., Haddad, C., Kieslich, K., Paul, K. T., Prainsack, B., El-Sayed, S., Schlögl, L., Spahl, W., & Weiss, E. (2024). Citizenship in times of crisis: biosocial state–citizen relations during COVID‑19 in Austria. BioSocieties, 19(2), 326-351.
Akyüz, K., Goisauf, M., Chassang, G., Kozera, Ł., Mežinska, S., Tzortzatou-Nanopoulou, O., & Mayrhofer, M. T. (2024). Post-identifiability in changing sociotechnological genomic data environments. BioSocieties, 19(2), 204-231.
Haddad, C., Vorlicek, D., & Klimburg-Witjes, N. (2024). The Security-Innovation Nexus in (Geo-)Political Imagination. Geopolitics, 29(3), 741-764.
Pham, B.-C., Gregory, K., Davies, S., Schikowitz, A., Dessewffy, E., Goldberg, E., Ederer, N., Avkiran, A. S., & Holmer, C. (2024). Academic citizenship, together: Prioritising care and reflexivity in scholarly life. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 6(2), 66–79. Article 6.