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BAYER, Florian: Indicators and metrics in the Social Sciences and Humanities: A case study on neoliberal transformations within an Austrian university (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

BOMM, Laura: Rethinking plastics: Citizen’s perception and sense making of plastics in contemporary Austrian society (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

CAVALCANTI DE ALCANTARA, Rafaela: Big Data and the City: Enacting Spaces, People and Futures (Supervisors: Sarah Davies, Doris Allhutter)

DESSEWFFY, Esther: Topologies in Motion. Mapping academic engagement with simulation software for architectural design (Supervisor: Sarah Davies)

FALKENBERG, Ruth: Relevant Research?! How researchers negotiate relevance to socio-environmental challenges within their epistemic living spaces (Supervisor: Maximilian Fochler)

FERENT, Lisa-Maria: Biobanking: Creating, maintaining, and inhabiting a trading zone between service, research, and care (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

FRANTZ, Florentine: Living with the Ideals of Good Scientific Practice: Necessary Fictions, Distributed Responsibility and Reflexive Care in Contemporary Life Sciences (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

GAHBAUER, Susanne: Visual (Re)presentations of 'trans*' persons during hormonal treatment: doing and undoing the category of 'trans*' in biomedicine (and beyond) (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

HORN, Carsten: Investigating Digital Innovation Societies Through Emerging Controversies About Data Centers in Austria, France, and Ireland (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

JUST, Paul: Parkinson's disease put on trial: governing regenerative medicine (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

PAPADAKI ANASTASOPOULOUS, Artemis: (Re)assembling single-use plastics on different scales: In the EU, Greece and the Municipality of Sikinos (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

PHAM, Bao-Chau: Governing Artificial Intelligence: European Imaginaries (Supervisor: Sarah Davies)

POSPISIL, Bettina: Voice recognition systems in private households: The user behaviour of the Austrian citizens between technology-hype and security-concerns (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

MARQUEZ, Rodessa: Digital health infrastructures: Between promising sociotechnical futures and challenges of environmental sustainability (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

MUENSTER, Noah: Tracing microplastics through wastewater: Materialisations, problematizations, and actions (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

ORTEGA-RAMIREZ, Sara: Caring for "our" nuclear residues: How citizens in two “non-nuclear” countries make sense of this issue at the time of an international nuclear revival (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

REGEN, Livia: Imagining futures in a residue-filled present: how citizens make sense of innovating, wasting, and caring (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

SCHUH, Daniela: Re-framing citizenship in bioconstitutional futures. The case of transnational surrogacy in France and Germany (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

STERRER, Stefanie: Doing and Valuing Research at Universities of Applied Sciences (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

ULMER, Vera: Authorship Practices in the Making. On (E)Valuations, Responsibility and Care in Academic Publishing (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

VARGOLSKAIA, Virginia: Between Visions And Practices. An Ethnography Of Digitalization In Environmental Research (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)

WARDEMANN, Rasmus Kvaal: Making research FAIR? Between policy imaginaries and research practices (Supervisor: Ulrike Felt)


ANDRESEN, Jule: Deep Frontiers. Investigating the Construction and Contestation of Justifications for Mining Norway´s Deep Seabed (Supervisor: U. Felt)

BUTKOVÁ, Tereza: East Meets West: Understanding Positionality in European Social Science Research (Supervisor: A. Schikowitz)

ÇINAR, Gözde Özlem: Beauty Technologies (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

DE KONING, Pipi Paloeka: Taxie Entanglements and PFAS Practices: Embodied Experiences of PFAS Pollution in Southeast-Netherlands (Supervisor: U. Felt)

EDERER, Nora: Insects as Infrastructures: How Viennese vegetable gardeners know and value biological pest management (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

FELICIANGELI, Dario: Dealing with Complexity: A Study of the Complexity Science Hub (Supervisor: F. Mora Gámez)

FREIHERR VON WERTHERN, Tilman Orfeo Fernando: The use of DIV loop systems for automated insulin dosing by diabetes I patients in Germany against the backdrop of conventional alternatives (Supervisor: Chr. Haddad)

GAUL, Alix: Strong objectivity and mathematical knowledge production (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

GÜL, Elif: Masculinity and Contraception (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

HARJES, Caitlin: Creating Digital Learning Tools: The case of a computer game developed for civics education (Supervisor: F. Mora Gámez)

HEINZ, Teresa: Blossom’s Bloom: How Accessible Robotics Foster Collaboration and Care (Supervisor: S. Davies)

HOLMER, Constantin: The 'glacier marriage project'. The (re-)imagination of the future(s) of ski tourism in the Ötztal & Pitztal valleys in Tyrol, Austria (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

JENKINS, Barry: Boutique Virtual Analogue – The Real Deal or Virtual Insanity? How online users respond to Roland's digital recreations of their classic analogue synthesizers (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

KLEVSTRAND, Sofie: Care and Code: An Epic Challenge. A case study of barriers to adoption of EHR in the public healthcare sector in central Norway (Supervisor: U. Felt)

LENZ, Daphne: Sustainable Chemistry – Caring for chemical pollution The assemblage of matters of chemical pollution (Supervisor: S. Davies)

LITVIN, Illia: A Race to Clearspace: Creating assets enacting outer space futures in the first space debris removal mission (Supervisor: N. Klimburg-Witjes)

MANDZHIEVA, Renata: Creating Better Spaces: Public Participation in Urban Research and Planning in the Context of a Smart City Project (Supervisor: M. Fochler) 

MATHIES, Kaye: Standardization and Scientization of Microplastics in EU Policy (Supervisor: U. Felt)

MOORE, Georgie: Machine Learning Approaches for the Diagnosis of Unkown Primary (CUP) (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

NENSEL, Lucas Marius: Rhythms and Revolutions. A time-sensitive investigation into Skylab IV´s labor conflicts (Supervisor: N. Klimburg-Witjes)

NISHI, Masafumi: Promising the Future: Performativity of Expectations in European Nuclear Fusion Research and Development for ITER (Supervisor: U. Felt)

NOWAK, Veronika: Spacesuits for Mars. The Austrian Space Forum and its spacesuit program (Supervisor: N. Klimburg-Witjes)

PERLAKI, Eszter: Caring for Digital Contact Tracing: The case of the Austrian STOPP Corona App and data rights activism (Supervisor: S. Davies)

PETRUTIU, Andra Sonia: Postcolonial Science Studies and the Anthropocene: Lessons to be Learned for Climate Modelling in India and Beyond (Supervisor: E. Aarden)

PICHLER, Sascha: ChatGPT - A chatbot between opportunity and concern. From hype to regulation (Supervisor: S. Davies)

PLUDE, Miakoda: Gold Standard Treatment: A negotiation in Sublocade Funding (Supervisor: Chr. Haddad)

SHIRAISHI, Daiki: 'Drawing the Shape of your Pleasure': The Enactment of Sexual Pleasure through Sex Toy Design Practices in Japan (Supervisor: S. Davies)

STILL, Laura: Knowledge Cultures of Former Austrian Conspiracy Theorists (Supervisor: M. Fochler)

STRAUSS, Joscha: 'Clean or Green?' The conflict of sterility and sustainability through the case of medical packaging (Supervisor: U. Felt)

STRYCKER, Kai: A Techno-Political Rocket Multiple: Military-Strategic Entanglements in the Deveopment and Manufacture of the Ariane 6 (Supervisor: N. Klimburg-Witjes)

TAXENBACHER, Magdalena: "Governing Trolls". The sociotechnical imaginaries of the internet in the face of governing disinformation (Supervisor: N. Klimburg-Witjes)

VEDUTA, Anna: Human Cost of Military Innovations: To know or better not to? (Supervisor: N. Klimburg-Witjes)

WIESINGER, Sophie: Hormonal contraception Technologies. Accounting for the materiality, knowledge and expertise of oral hormonal contraception (Supervisor: S. Davies)

WYNANDS, Harry: Science on Trial: Negotiationg the Boundaries of CDC Expertixe during Covid-19 (Supervisor: S. Davies)

YAZDANI, Nushin: The Hidden Labour of AI Impersonation - Humans Pretending to be Machines (Supervisor: F. Mora Gámez)

ZINGERLE, Simon: Producing Compliant Publics: The performative display of public participation in an informational film by the German Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (Supervisor: U. Felt)

ZUCKERHUT, Michaela: Valuation of Chemical Substances in the Case of PFAS (Supervisor: U. Felt)