Duration 01.01.2022-31.12.2023
Organising Co-Creation: Integrating Societal Involvement in Research Organisations
Credit: Museum am Bach
Project Description
The last years have seen sustained efforts to render research more responsive to public needs, demands and values, and to align it with societal goals through a variety of formats (from public involvement in setting funding priorities to reflexivity exercises for researchers). Many of these formats seek to enable the ‘co-creation’ of knowledge by scholars and laypeople.
The ‘Organising Co-Creation’ project explores the organisational dimensions of co-creation in research organisations. It will investigate how one innovative co-creation project – the Open Innovation in Science Lab ASF (Action for Sustainable Future) Hub – is being realised, and in particular will examine how it relates to the wider organisational structures and practices the Hub is connected to. In doing so the research will study how societal involvement in research can best be organised, exploring questions such as: What are the enabling and constraining aspects of organisational cultures and structures? How are these negotiated in this particular case? And: What are the wider implications of these experiences for other efforts to institutionally embed societal involvement in research?