Archive Events


Making Space and Taking Time for Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice


21.01.2016 17:30

Vienna STS Talk Xaq Frohlich

Food or Drug?: Regulatory Cultures and Their Consuming Publics

Talk presented by Xaq Frohlich (KAIST Graduate School of Science and Technology...

08.03.2016 17:30

How To Make Targets: On Drones, Social Media Surveillance & Data-Driven Warfare

Talk presented by Jutta Weber (University of Paderborn)


Cross-border reproductive services have become an expanding industry. It relies on a supply of body materials and bodily services provided by women on...

07.04.2016 17:30

Global Fluids. The Cultural Economy in Eggs and Urine

Talk presented by Charlotte Kroløkke (Department for the Study of Culture, University of...

22.04.2016 17:00

Technologien verändern und gestalten Gesellschaften, Körper und unser (Zusammen-)Leben. Werden wir in Zukunft alle zu Cyborgs? Warum brauchen wir...

 Archive News


STS Defensio

21 December 2016, 15:30

Saransh SEHGAL: IAEA's 3/11 Communiqué. Understanding the Communication Activities of IAEA in the Case of the Fukushima...


Job Announcement

Teaching Assistant, 14h/week, 01.03.2018-29.02.2020


Performing Moral Stories through Bodyweight by Michael Penkler


STS Defensio

14 December 2016, 13:00

Jan FEDOR: Conceptualization, Potential, Imaginations, and Expectations of Additive Manufacturing in Austria: Visions of...


Sind die ÖsterreicherInnen wirklich technikpessimistisch? Was bedeuten Funkchips in Kleidung oder auf dem Parkpickerl für unsere Privatsphäre? In der...


STS Defence Doctoral Thesis

29. November 2016, 13:30

Judith Christine IGELSBÖCK: The Performances and Transformations of Evidence in Transdisciplinary Research Contexts