Archive Events

22.04.2015 18:00

Vienna STS Talks Hedwig te Molder

The Hidden Moralities of Knowledge. Communicating Science and Technology in the Life Science Context

17.06.2015 17:30

Vienna STS Talks Kim Fortun

Late Industrialism: Producing Inequalities

05.10.2015 17:30

Vienna STS Talks Monika Kurath

Constructing the Urban Citizen: Participation and Democracy in Urban Design

21.10.2015 17:00

Vienna STS Talk: Alan Irwin

On the Local Constitution of Global Futures: Risk and Environmental Engagement in a Decentred World

27.10.2016 18:15

Will Robots Take Care of Us? An Emerging Vision of Robotics and Society in South Korea


Final Symposium - WWTF Diversity & Identity Projects 2010/2011

Ulrike Felt presents the results of the WWTF funded Project "From Lab to Intervention and Back - Doing and Undoing Diversity in Obesity Research,...

 Archive News


Maximilian Fochler and Sarah de Rijcke on "What is academics’ responsibility in dealing with indicators?"


Die Diskussionsrunden finden im Juni und Juli 2017 in Innsbruck, Graz sowie Wien statt.


16-18 February 2017

Public Keynotes by Susan Molyneux-Hodgson and Alfred Nordmann


'Science in Society Laboratories'


edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouché, Clark A. Miller and Laurel Smith-Doerr