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Europe and the Technologies of ‘Others’


Panel discussion with Nina Klimburg-Witjes, 23rd March 2023, 20.00-21.30 (SPUI25, live-stream available)

In this edition of the ‘Europe and the Geopolitics of Technology’ series, experts scrutinize various urgent questions of European technology regulation. When does foreign innovation become a threat, and how do European technology regulators and publics imagine and differentiate sovereign spaces and practices of technology regulation and application? How do practices of various technology actors (private and public) produce security and sovereignty in Europe, China, Russia and beyond? And how are these spaces, digital infrastructures and practices mutually imagined, othered, and (self-)orientalized?

This event is the fourth edition of the Geopolitics of Technology Series.


Nina Klimburg-Witjes

Gianluigi Negro

Gertjan Hoetjes

Franziska Plümmer


For the live stream see:


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