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Fulbright Fellow: Professor Ed Hackett


We are happy to announce that Professor Ed Hackett will be our guest as a Fulbright Fellow this fall.

Edward Hackett was awarded a prestigious Fulbright fellowship and will therefore spend the upcoming winter semester in Vienna at the Faculty of Social Sciences, at the STS department.

Activities: During his stay in Vienna, Professor Hackett will teach the seminar “Inequality and Sustainability” in our master program, as well as a research colloquium titled "Scholarship as Vocation: STS perspectives" within the "Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences" (ViDSS).

CV: Edward J. Hackett is professor emeritus in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University, where he has also held appointments in the School of Sustainability, School of Life Sciences, and the Consortium for Science Policy & Outcomes. From 2015-2020 he was vice provost for research at Brandeis University and professor in the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. He was a founding member of the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1984 to 1998) and the first director of the NSF Program in Science and Technology Studies (1996-98), which succeeded the Program in the History and Philosophy of Science. Again as an NSF rotator, he directed the Division of Social and Economic Sciences (2006 to 2008). He was lead editor of the Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (3rd ed., MIT Press, 2008) and editor of Science, Technology, & Human Values (2012-2022). 

Hackett studies the social organization and dynamics of scientific research, asking how patterns of interaction, leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, and other factors influence the production of knowledge. He has also written about peer review, research misconduct, the scientific career, and environmental justice. His work has been published in the American Sociological Review, Research Policy, Science, Technology & Human Values, Social Studies of Science, Sociological Methods and Research, and other places. He is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and twice was recognized by the Society for Social Studies of Science for contributions to infrastructure.


Teaching (Master program): "Inequality and Sustainability"

Teaching (PhD program): "Research colloquium: "Scholarship as Vocation: STS perspectives"


Professor Dr. Edward J. Hackett

Fulbright Austria

Fulbright-University of Vienna Visiting Professor of Social Sciences

Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences