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January 2013: Open lecture by Bernadette BENSAUDE-VINCENT

15.01.2013 17:00

Synthetic Biology as a Techno-Utopia

Re-designing life is the project of synthetic biology. In presenting the multidisciplinary profile of this emerging discipline, this lecture will emphasize the diversity of research agendas and visions of the future gathered under this umbrella term. Then addressing the question ‘who actually believes in futures?', this lecture contrasts the complicit belief of ethicists and critical activists with the doubts occasionally formulated by synthetic biologists. To what extent and in which sense do the futuristic visions of synthetic biology belong to the genre of techno-utopia?


Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung


Seminarraum STS, NIG, 1010 Wien, Universitätsstraße 7/II/6. Stock