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Job Opening Doctoral/Postdoctoral Researcher (3 years)


Doctoral/Postdoctoral Researcher, 30h/week, 3 years

The Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna is inviting applications for the position of a


Extent of Employment: 30 hours/week
Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §49 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.


in the FWF/DFG project ‘Making Europe through and for its Research Infrastructures’.

Applicants should start as soon as possible but not later than 1 May 2019.


Project description


While the political integration of Europe is widely considered to be in crisis today (e.g. Brexit), the establishment of transnational collaboration in scientific research is often seen a continuing success story. Transnational European research infrastructures may therefore function as powerful vehicles of integration, which exist in parallel to – and are often intertwined with – other forms of European integrations. However, the specific ways in which ideas about the meaning of European integration and notions of European identity have contributed to the establishment of such research infrastructures and vice versa, have not yet been studied in detail. In light of the present tensions around cross-national European collaboration, this question seems especially present at this particular historical moment.


This project – an international collaboration between the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the University of Vienna and the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) at the Technical University Munich – therefore aims to analyze the co-production of European transnational scientific collaboration and European identity in the context of four transnational research infrastructures (CERN, ESA, BBMRI, Laserlab Europe). These research infra­structures are distinct in terms of age (being established between the 1950s and 2000s), form (including centralized as well as networked facilities), scientific field (ranging from nuclear research and aerospace engineering to laser research and biomedicine), and relate to various stages of European integration efforts.


In the context of this project, the successful applicant will research the case of the Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN) – one of the oldest and most renowned European research infrastructures, that has adjusted to changing circumstances throughout its history.  For a doctoral researcher, research on CERN will contribute towards a doctoral dissertation in Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna (supervisor: Ulrike Felt). We offer the opportunity to work in an international project team and to conduct comparative analysis of European scientific integration across the different cases.


Job description

The successful applicant is expected to:

  • Perform qualitative research on the history of CERN in relation to notions of European (scientific) integration and identity
  • Complete a doctoral dissertation in STS on the basis of project research and/or contribute to case-specific and comparative publications
  • Contribute to the comparative, cross-cutting research agenda of the project
  • Participate in project work, including (organization of) team meetings, project maintenance, organization of project events, etc.
  • Participate in the academic environment of the Department on a day-to-day basis.




We are looking for a candidate with a completed MA/PhD or equivalent degree in science and technology studies (STS), political science, history of science, science policy or associated fields, with a strong interest in and motivation for the project.

Experience in qualitative research and familiarity with the substance of the project are an advantage.

Candidates are expected to have excellent ability to work and write in English and will be required to be based in Vienna for the duration of the project.



Please submit your application, including:

  • A motivation letter, explaining your interest in and qualifications for, doing research in this project
  • Your CV
  • A writing sample (e.g. a chapter from your MA/PhD thesis, a paper)
  • Contact details of 1-2 references


Send your application to (, with a copy to before the 25th of March. Interviews will be scheduled before the 5th of April. Please use the subject line ‘Application European Research Infrastructures position’.

Specific questions regarding the project or the position may be addressed to Prof. Ulrike Felt (