Details News

Kick-off Event & First Workshop

19.10.2016 - 20.09.2016

Making Space and Taking Time for Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice


Kick-off Event

On the first day of the event, members of the new research platform will present the research agenda and future activities. A distinguished lecture will launch a debate about how RRI can be embedded at universities.

Key Lecture:
The Responsible University: Embedding RRI in Research Cultures, Policies and Practices
James Wilsdon, Professor of Research Policy & Director of Impact and Engagement, Sheffield University (UK) 


First Workshop: Metrics, Values and Evaluation

The second day will focus on the use of metrics and indicators in evaluating academic work as well as on the rhythms of academic work, and will question whether they open up or close down opportunities for responsible practice. It will feature lectures in the morning and interactive workshops in the afternoon.

Click here for more information and the detailed program.


Research Platform Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice

Albert Schweitzer Haus