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Sind wir noch zu retten?


How do we move from knowledge to action? This was the topic of the panel discussion “Can we still be saved?”

If you have missed the (German) discussion (Semesterfrage) about planetary health on Monday, 19th June, you can now watch it on YouTube

Global warming, biodiversity loss, food insecurity – the situation surrounding the health of our planet is as serious as it is complex. Science is constantly providing new correlations. But how do we move from knowledge to action? What bold solutions are needed now, and what options for action do we need to rethink in order to secure our future on this planet? This was discussed by scientists and practitioners at the concluding panel discussion on the semester question. 

Thilo Hoffmann, environmental geoscientist, and head of Environment and Climate Research Hub, held a short presentation on the interdisciplinary dimension of the topic using the example of one of the greatest challenges of the century: How can we feed 10 billion people sustainably, and what does that mean for health and the environment?

Afterwards, the panel consisting of Prof. Ulrike Felt, the lawyer Michaela Krömer, the founder Simon Tschannett and Thilo Hoffmann discussed broader questions around the climate crisis and asked “Can we still be saved?”. The panel was moderated by deputy editor-in-chief of STANDARD Nana Siebert.