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Upcoming online events, 20-21 May 2021


Several department members are presenting their research at international conferences this week!

Kamiel Mobach will talk about “Reassembling International Experimental Collaboration at CERN” at the “Building National Character: science, politics, and citizenship in 19th and 20th century Europe” workshop organised by the STS department at UCL on 21 May. The talk uses the case of the L3 experiment at CERN to think about the initiation, durability and discontinuities of large, technoscientific, collaborative projects. A key point of this analysis is the heterogeneity of the elements – e.g., technological, diplomatic, visionary, scientific, financial – that constitute such projects.

Nina Klimburg-Witjes will present her recent paper “Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the Construction of the “Deficient User" in Cybersecurity Discourses” (published in Science, Technology, & Human Values) at the Cryptic Commons online workshop (Aalborg University, 20–21 May).

Andrea Schikowitz will give a presentation on “The role of collaborative housing in creating urban futures in Vienna – relational creation of alternativeness” at the Nordic Science and Technology Studies conference (20–21 May).