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Workshop Gender, justice and the political economy of the cross-border fertility industry

07.04.2016 - 08.04.2016

Cross-border reproductive services have become an expanding industry. It relies on a supply of body materials and bodily services provided by women on the one hand and a corresponding demand by individuals and couples on the other. However, knowledge about the actual scope, structure, regulation, and practices within the cross-border fertility industry is still sparse.

The workshop will address the experiences, working conditions, social situation, agency and self-organization of the women who contribute to this industry. It asks: How is the cross-border fertility industry stratified in terms of gender, ethnicity, race, class, abled bodiness, and further axes of inequality? How does the rise of cross-border fertility industry and/or corresponding state policies affect gender relations in different contexts? How are we to assess these policies and developments from a gender and social justice perspective? And how should we understand and engage with this industry in the first place?


When & Where:

April 7, 2016 (5:30 pm): Seminar room of the Department for Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna (STS Talk from Charlotte Charlotte Kroløkke)

April 8, 2016 (8:30 am - 5pm): Albert Schweitzer Haus, Schwarzspanierstraße 13, 1090 Vienna

Program (view pdf), Book of Abstracts (view docx)

This workshop is organized with the kind support of the "Forschungsverbund Gender und Handlungsmacht" (Gender and Agency), the Research Area "Knowledge societies in turbulent times: science, democracy and publicspace",the "Department of Science and Technology Studies", and the "Department of Political Science".