Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung

Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation formen zahllose Aspekte des Lebens in modernen Gesellschaften. Manche Veränderungen werden als positiv erlebt, andere sind hoch kontroversiell. Zugleich beeinflussen Politik, Medien, Firmen und andere gesellschaftliche Akteure, wie Wissen und Technologie erzeugt werden. Die Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung analysiert diese Beziehungen und fördert kritische und reflexive Debatten zu den Beziehungen von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Gesellschaft.


06.09.2024 10:56


We warmly invite you to the defensio of Carina Liersch

29.08.2024 15:00


We warmly invite you to the defensio of Jana Bednarova

 STS Talks Vienna

15.10.2024 17:15

INNORES Talk by Mike Michael

We are thrilled to announce Mike Michaels's Talk on 15th October 2024, 5:15 pm

10.10.2024 16:00

FutureSpace Talk by David Valentine

We are thrilled to announce David Valentine's Talk on 10th October 2024, 4:00 pm



Paul Trauttmansdorff and Nina Klimburg-Witjes have just published a new book called:


Lisa Sigl's, Ruth Falkenberg's, and Maximilian Fochler's new article was just accepted in Social Studies of Science.


Ruth Falkenberg, Lisa Sigl and Maximilian Fochler have just published a new article in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science:


to the top

 New Publications

Felt U. Public Health Communication: Anecdotal Evidence and Responsibility in Print Media Accounts of Obesity. in Felt U, Davies S, Hrsg., Exploring Science Communication. A Science and Technology Studies Approach. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 2020. S. 131-148

Penkler M, Felder KF, Felt U. Challenging Diversity: Steering Effects of Buzzwords in Projectified Healthcare. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2020 Jan;45(1):138-163. Epub 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1177/0162243919841694

Mora-Gámez F, Brown SD. A reparação a despeito de si mesma: traições psi na Colômbia pós-conflito. in Arruda Leal Ferreira A, Hrsg., Governamentalidade e práticas psi: a gestão pela liberdade. Band 2021-03. Rio de Janeiro: Editora NAU. 2020. S. 523-548