Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
Zeige Ergebnisse 121 - 130 von 165
Buschmann, K., Kasberger, S., Kraker, P., Mayer, K., Reckling, F., Rieck, K., & Vignoli, M. (2015). Open Science in Österreich: Ansätze und Status Open Science in Austria: Approaches and status Open Science en Autriche: Approches et état des lieux. Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis, 66(2-3), 137-145.,
Mayer, K. (2015). From Science 2.0 to Open Science - Turning rhetoric into action? E-Letter - Special Technical Community on Social Networking.
Felt, U., Schumann, S., & Schwarz, C. (2015). (Re)assembling Natures, Cultures and (Nano)technologies in Public Engagement. Science as Culture, 24(4), 458–483.
Sormani, P. B. (2015). Reassembling Repair: of Maintenance Routine, Botched Jobs, and Situated Inquiry. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 6(2), 41-60.
Paulitz, T., Goisauf, M., & Zapusek, S. (2015). Work-Life-Balance + Wissenschaft = unvereinbar? Zur exkludierenden Vergeschlechtlichung einer entgrenzten Lebensform. Gender - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 7(2), 130-144.
Felt, U. (2014). Within, Across and Beyond: Reconsidering the Role of Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe. Science as Culture, 23(3), 384-396.
Felt, U., Schumann, S., Schwarz, C., & Strassnig, M. (2014). Technology of Imagination. A Card-based Public Engagement Method for Debating Emerging Technologies. Qualitative Research, 14(2), 233-251.
Castree, N., Adams, W. M., Barry, J., Brockington, D., Büscher, B., Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, R., Felt, U., Neves, K., Newell, P., Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robin, L., Rose, D. B., Ross, A., Schlosberg, D., Sörlin, S., ... Wynne, B. (2014). Changing the intellectual climate. Nature Climate Change, 4(9), 763-768.
Sormani, P. B. (2014). Les 'projets de coopération et d'innovation': instrument de restructuration de l'espace académique suisse? Genèses, 1(94), 32-54.
Felder, K. F., & Öchsner, S. (2014). On the Intertwinements of Care and Temporalities. EASST Review, 33(4), 15-17.
Zeige Ergebnisse 121 - 130 von 165