Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
Zeige Ergebnisse 31 - 40 von 167
Schikowitz, A., Maasen, S., & Weller, K. (2023). Constitutive Tensions of Transformative Research: Infrastructuring Continuity and Contingency in Public Living Labs. Science & Technology Studies, 36(3), 60-77.
Sigl, L., Falkenberg, R., & Fochler, M. (2023). Changing articulations of relevance in soil science: Diversity and (potential) synergy of epistemic commitments in a scientific discipline. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 97, 79-90.
Sepehr, P. (2023). Post-Automobility Futures: Technology, Power, and Imaginaries. Mobility Humanities, 2(1), 164-167.
Fritzsche, M.-C., Akyüz, K., Abadía, M. C., McLennan, S., Marttinen, P., Mayrhofer, M. T., & Buyx, A. M. (2023). Ethical layering in AI-driven polygenic risk scores—New complexities, new challenges. Frontiers in Genetics, 14, 1-11. Artikel 1098439.
Serbe-Kamp, É., Bemme, J., Pollak, D., & Mayer, K. (2023). Open Citizen Science: fostering open knowledge with participation. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 9.
Bieszczad, S. R., Fochler, M., & Brodschneider, R. (2023). How Citizen Scientists See their Own Role and Expertise: An Explorative Study of the Perspectives of Beekeepers in a Citizen Science Project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 8(1), 1-12. Artikel 26.
Huber, B., Lepenies, R., Baena, L. Q., & Allgaier, J. (2022). Beyond Individualized Responsibility Attributions? How Eco Influencers Communicate Sustainability on TikTok. Environmental Communication, 16(6), 713-722.
Kieslinger, B., Schürz, S., Mayer, K., & Schaefer, T. (2022). Participatory evaluation practices in citizen social science: Insights from three case studies. Plattform Forschungs- und Technologieevaluierung , 53, 10-19.
Michael, C., & Klimburg-Witjes, N. (2022). Troubled Orbits and Earthly Concerns: Space Debris as a Boundary Infrastructure. Science, Technology & Human Values, 47(5), 960-985.
Lehner, L. (2022). Vulnerability and One Health assessment approaches for infectious threats from a social science perspective: a systematic scoping review. The Lancet. Planetary Health, 6(8), e682-e693.
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