Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
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Haddad, C., Vorlicek, D., & Klimburg-Witjes, N. (2024). The Security-Innovation Nexus in (Geo-)Political Imagination. Geopolitics, 29(3), 741-764.
Pham, B.-C., Gregory, K., Davies, S., Schikowitz, A., Dessewffy, E., Goldberg, E., Ederer, N., Avkiran, A. S., & Holmer, C. (2024). Academic citizenship, together: Prioritising care and reflexivity in scholarly life. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 6(2), 66–79. Artikel 6.
Felt, U., & Sepehr, P. (2024). Infrastructuring citizenry in Smart City Vienna: investigating participatory smartification between policy and practice. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 11(1), 1-23. Artikel 2313303.
Schikowitz, A., & Pohler, N. (2024). Varieties of alternativeness: Relational practices in collaborative housing in Vienna. The Sociological Review, 72(2), 301-321.
Davies, S., & Holmer, C. (2024). Care, collaboration, and service in academic data work: biocuration as ‘academia otherwise’. Information, Communication & Society, 27(4), 683-701.
Falkenberg, R. I., Sigl, L., & Fochler, M. (2024). From ‘making lists’ to conducting ‘well-rounded’ studies: Epistemic re-orientations in soil microbial ecology. Social Studies of Science, 54(1), 78-104.
Falkenberg, R., & Fochler, M. (2024). Innovation in Technology Instead of Thinking? Assetization and Its Epistemic Consequences in Academia. Science, Technology & Human Values, 49(1), 105-130.
Klimburg-Witjes, N. (2024). A Rocket to Protect? Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Strategic Autonomy in Controversies About the European Rocket Program. Geopolitics, 29(3), 821-848.
Gregory, K., Koesten, L., Schuster, R. M. V., Möller, T., & Davies, S. (2024). Data Journeys in Popular Science: Producing Climate Change and COVID-19 Data Visualizations at Scientific American. Harvard Data Science Review, 6(2).
Fian, L., Schmidlechner, L., Felt, U., Hofmann, T., White, M., & Pahl, S. (2024). Microplastics in food and drink: perceptions of the risks, challenges, and solutions among individuals in the ‘farm-to-fork’ food chain. Journal of Risk Research, 27(8), 986-1009.
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