Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
Zeige Ergebnisse 131 - 140 von 167
Sormani, P. B. (2014). Les 'projets de coopération et d'innovation': instrument de restructuration de l'espace académique suisse? Genèses, 1(94), 32-54.
Felder, K. F., & Öchsner, S. (2014). On the Intertwinements of Care and Temporalities. EASST Review, 33(4), 15-17.
Felt, U., Felder, K. F., Öhler, T., & Penkler, M. (2014). Timescapes of obesity: Coming to terms with a complex socio-medical phenomenon. Health: an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine, 18(6), 646-664.
Mayer, K., & Simon, J. (2013). DESIRED BECOMINGS. Journal of Peer Production.
Felt, U., Igelsböck, J., Schikowitz, A., & Völker, T. (2013). Growing Into What? The (Un-)disciplined Socialisation of Early Stage Researchers in Transdisciplinary Research. Higher Education: the international journal of higher education and educational planning, 65(4), 511-524.
Mayer, K. (2012). Objectifying social structures: Network visualization as means of social optimization. Theory & Psychology, 22(2), 162-178.,
Felt, U., Igelsböck, J., Schikowitz, A., & Völker, T. (2012). Challenging Participation in Sustainability Research. DEMESCI: International Journal of Deliberative Mechanisms in Science, 1(1), 4-34.
Müller, R. (2012). Collaborating in Life Science Research Groups: The Question of Authorship. Higher Education Policy, (25), 289-311.
Leydesdorff, L., & Felt, U. (2012). Edited Volumes, Monographs, and Book Chapters in the Book Citation Index (BKCI) and Science Citation Index (SCI, SoSCI, A&HCI). Journal of Scientometric Research, 1(1), 28-34.
Habermann, B., Felt, U., Vogl, C. R., Bekele, K., & Mekonnen, K. (2012). Encounters and places: project negotiations in Galessa, Ethiopia. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 6(4), 218-234.
Zeige Ergebnisse 131 - 140 von 167