Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 50 von 167
Felt, U. (2022). Transitions, Expansions, Engagements: Science, Technology, & Human Values between 2002 and 2007. Science, Technology & Human Values, 47(4), 650-655.
Davies, S. (2022). STS and science communication: Reflecting on a relationship. Public Understanding of Science, 31(3), 305-313.
Metzler, I., & Åm, H. (2022). How the governance of and through digital contact tracing technologies shapes geographies of power. Policy & Politics, 50(2), 181-198.
Felt, U., & Frantz, F. (2022). RESPONSE_ABILITY A Card‑Based Engagement Method to Support Researchers’ Ability to Respond to Integrity Issues. Science and Engineering Ethics, 28(2), Artikel 14.
Davies, S. (2022). Science Communication at a Time of Crisis: Emergency, Democracy, and Persuasion. Sustainability, 14(9), Artikel 5103.
Klimburg-Witjes, N., Leese, M., & Trauttmansdorff, P. (2022). Expanding boundaries: Unmaking and remaking secrecy in field research. Political anthropological research on international social sciences, 3(2), 168-197.
Haddad, C., Günay, C., Ghariba, S., & Komendantova, N. (2022). Imagined inclusions into a ‘green modernisation’: local politics and global visions of Morocco’s renewable energy transition. Third World Quarterly, 43(2), 393-413.
Mobach, K., & Felt, U. (2022). On the Entanglement of Science and Europe at CERN: The Temporal Dynamics of a Coproductive Relationship. Science as Culture, 31(3), 382-407.
Davies, S., Pham, B.-C., Dessewffy, E., Schikowitz, A., & Mora-Gámez, F. (2022). Pinboarding the Pandemic: Experiments in Representing Autoethnography. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 8(2).
Lehner, L., & Eitenberger, M. (2022). Teaching Multiplicities: Von der Arbeit mit multi-medialen Arbeiten. CURARE - JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY.
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 50 von 167