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Schikowitz, A., & Maasen, S. (2021). Integrative Forschung. in T. Schmohl, & T. Phillip (Hrsg.), Handbuch transdisziplinäre Didaktik (S. 151-162). transkript.
Davies, S. (2021). Performing Science in Public: Science Communication and Scientific Identity. in K. Kastenhofer, & S. Molyneux-Hodgson (Hrsg.), Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences (S. 207-223). Springer.
Davies, S., & Horst, M. (2021). Science Communication as Culture: A Framework for Analysis. in M. Bucchi, & B. Trench (Hrsg.), Routledge Handbook of Public Communication of Science and Technology (S. 182-197). Routledge.
Mayer, K. (2021). Social Sensors: on the Epistemology of Remote Social Sensing. in K. Becker, & F. Stalder (Hrsg.), Digital Unconscious. Nervous Systems and Uncanny Predictions! (S. 143-148). Autonomedia.
Mayer, K., & Weber, J. (2021). Targeting from a Distance: Formatting Social Relations in Data-Driven Warfare. in M. Burkhardt, M. Shnayien, & K. Grashöfer (Hrsg.), Explorations in Digital Cultures (S. 1-20). meson press.
Felt, U. (2021). The Temporal Fabric of Academic Lives: Of Weaving, Repairing, and Resisting. in F. Vostal (Hrsg.), Inquiring into Academic Timescapes (S. 265-278). Emerald Publishing.
Mayer, K., & Strassnig, M. (2020). The Digital Humanism Initiative in Vienna: A Report based on our Exploratory Study Commissioned by the City of Vienna. in J. Fritz, & N. Tomaschek (Hrsg.), Digitaler Humanismus (1 Aufl., Band 9). Waxmann Verlag.
Felt, U., Öchsner, S., & Rae, R. (2020). The Making of Digital Health: Between Visions and Realizations. in Digitaler Humanismus. Menschliche Werte in der virtuellen Welt (S. 89-101). Waxmann Münster.
Felt, U. (2020). Public Health Communication: Anecdotal Evidence and Responsibility in Print Media Accounts of Obesity. in U. Felt, & S. Davies (Hrsg.), Exploring Science Communication. A Science and Technology Studies Approach (S. 131-148). Sage Publications Ltd..
Mora-Gámez, F., & Brown, S. D. (2020). A reparação a despeito de si mesma: traições psi na Colômbia pós-conflito. in A. Arruda Leal Ferreira (Hrsg.), Governamentalidade e práticas psi: a gestão pela liberdade (Band 2021-03, S. 523-548). Editora NAU.
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