Beiträge in Sammelbänden

Bellamy, R., Merkel, W., Rajeev , B., Felt, U., Hay, C., & Verloo, M. (2018). Challenges of inequality to social progress. in Rethinking Society for the 21st Century (Band 2, S. 563-596). Cambridge University Press.

Felt, U. (2018). Living a Real-world Experiment: Post-Fukushima Imaginaries and Spatial Practices of “Containing the Nuclear”. in I. van de Poel, L. Asveld, & D. C. Mehos (Hrsg.), Experimentation beyond the laboratory: new perspectives on technology in society (S. 49-78). Routledge.

Felt, U. (2018). Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). in S. Gibbon, B. Prainsack, S. Hilgartner, & J. Lamoreaux (Hrsg.), Routledge Handbook of Genomics, Health and Society Routledge.

Felt, U. (2017). “Response-able Practices” or “New Bureaucracies of Virtue”: The Challenges of Making RRI Work in Academic Environments. in L. Asveld, R. van Dam-Mieras, T. Swierstra, S. Lavrijssen, K. Linse, & J. van den Hoven (Hrsg.), Responsible Innovation 3 (S. 49-68). Springer.

Felt, U., Schwarz-Plaschg, C., & Schumann, S. (2017). IMAGINE. A card-based discussion method. in P. Liamputtong (Hrsg.), Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences Springer.

Pichelstorfer, A. (2017). (Re)configuring actors in practice. in Methodological Reflections on Practice Oriented Theories (S. 79-92). Springer.

Aarden, E. (2017). Collectieve Vormgeving van Gepersonaliseerde Geneeskunde: Een Vergelijkend Perspectief. in H. van Lente, T. Swierstra, S. Wyatt, & R. Zeiss (Hrsg.), Wegwijs in STS-Knowing your way in STS (S. 161-165). Maastricht University, Science, Technology and Society Studies.

Schönbauer, S. (2017). How biologists „meet“. in M. Jonas, L. Lassnigg, B. Littig, & A. Wroblewski (Hrsg.), Practice theories and their methodology. Reflecting on research practices. Dordrecht: Springer. Springer.

Aarden, E. (2017). Making value(s) through social contracts for biomedical population research. in V. Pavone, & J. Goven (Hrsg.), Bioeconomies: Life, technology, and capital in the 21st century (S. 161-184). Palgrave Macmillan.

Felt, U. (2017). Of time-scapes and knowledge-scapes: Re-timing Research and Higher Education. in P. Scott, J. Gallacher, & G. Parry (Hrsg.), New Landscapes and Languages of Higher Education (S. 129-148). Oxford University Press.