Beiträge in Sammelbänden
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Merz, M., & Sormani, P. B. (2015). Configuring New Research Fields: How Policy, Place, and Organization Are Made to Matter. in M. Merz, & P. Sormani (Hrsg.), The Local Configuration of New Research Fields. On Regional and National Diversity (S. 1-22). Springer.
Felt, U. (2015). Keeping Technologies Out: Sociotechnical imaginaries and the formation of Austria's technopolitical identity. in S. Jasanoff, & S.-H. Kim (Hrsg.), Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power (S. 103-125). Chicago University Press.
Sormani, P. B. (2015). Practicing Innovation: Mobile Nano-training, Emerging Tensions, and Prospective Arrangements. in M. Merz, & P. Sormani (Hrsg.), The Local Configuration of New Research Fields. On Regional and National Diversity (Band 29, S. 229-247). Springer.
Felt, U. (2015). Sociotechnical imaginaries of "the internet", digital health information and the making of citizen-patients. in S. Hilgartner, C. Miller, & R. Hagendijk (Hrsg.), Science and Democracy: Making Knowledge and Making Power in the Biosciences and Beyond (S. 176-197). Routledge.
Sormani, P. B. (2014). Le rapport entre le 'dire' et le 'faire': du problème épistémologique au phénomène empirique. in Langage, activités et ordre social. Faire de la sociologie avec Harvey Sacks (S. 187-216). Peter Lang.
Bovet, A., Sormani, P. B., & Terzi, C. (2014). The televisual accountability of Reality TV: the visual morality of musical performances in talent shows. in Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work (S. 208-233). Routledge.
Felt, U., & Fochler, M. (2013). What Science Stories Do: Rethinking the Multiple Consequences of Intensified Science Communication. in P. Baranger, & B. Schiele (Hrsg.), Science Communication Today. International Perspectives, Issues and Strategies (S. 75-90). CNRS Editions.
Felt, U. (2013). Wissenschaft. in E. Flicker, & R. Forster (Hrsg.), Forschungs- und Anwendungsfelder der Soziologie (2. Aufl., S. 283-298). Facultas.
Felt, U., & Fochler, M. (2012). Re-ordering Epistemic Living Spaces: On the Tacit Governance Effects of the Public Communication of Science. in S. Rödder, M. Franzen, & P. Weingart (Hrsg.), The Sciences´ Media Connection - Communication to the Public and its Repercussions (S. 133-154). Springer.
Musik, C. (2012). The thinking eye is only half the story: High-level semantic video surveillance. in C. Webster, R. William, E. Töpfer, F. R. Klauser, & C. D. Raab (Hrsg.), Innovation and the Public Sector: Video Surveillance Practices and Policies in Europe (Band Vol. 18, S. 37-51). IOS Press.
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