Jüngste Publikationen

Mayer K, Schürz S, Kieslinger B, Schäfer T. Transformation messen und verstehen: partizipative Evaluationsansätze für Citizen Science. in Howaldt J, Kreibich M, Streicher J, Thiem C, Hrsg., Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen: Neue Herausforderungen für Politik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. 1 Aufl. Frankfurt: Campus. 2022. S. 207-224

Akyüz K, Chassang G, Goisauf M, Kozera Ł, Mezinska S, Tzortzatou O et al. Biobanking and risk assessment: A comprehensive typology of risks for an adaptive risk governance. Life Sciences, Society and Policy. 2021 Dez 13;17(1):1-28. 10. doi: 10.1186/s40504-021-00117-7

Habermann B, Vogl CR, Mekonnen K, Bekele K, Felt U. Farmers and scientists in AR4D: Looking at a watershed management project through an STS lens. NJAS: Impact in agricultural and life sciences. 2021 Nov;93(1):126-151. doi: 10.1080/27685241.2021.1993095

Passoth JH, Bowker GC, Klimburg-Witjes N, Van Mannen GJ. Hacking Satellites. in Sensing In/Security: Sensors as Transnational Security Infrastructures. Manchester: Mattering Press. 2021. S. 399-409

Klimburg-Witjes N, (ed.), Pöchhacker N, (ed.), Bowker GC, (ed.). Sensing In/Security: Sensors as Transnational Security Infrastructures. 1 Aufl. Manchester: Mattering Press, 2021. doi: 10.28938/9781912729050

Gugganig M, Klimburg-Witjes N. Island Imaginaries. Introduction to a special section. Science as Culture. 2021 Jul 3;30(3):321-341. doi: 10.1080/09505431.2021.1939294

Mora-Gámez F. Thinking beyond the ‘imposter’: gatecrashing un/welcoming borders of containment. in Woolgar S, Moats D, Vogel E, Helgesson CF, Hrsg., The imposter as social theory: thinking with gatecrashers, cheats, and charlatans. Bristol University Press. 2021. S. 293-315

Wöhrer V, Kerschhofer-Puhalo N, Kieslinger B, Mayer K, Schürz S, Truckenbroth S et al. ‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’. Strategies and reflections on including co-researchers. Proceedings of Science (PoS). 2021 Apr 12;ACSC2020:1-5. 017. doi: 10.22323/1.393.0017

Davies S. Atmospheres of science: Experiencing scientific mobility. Social Studies of Science. 2021 Apr 1;51(2):214-232. Epub 2020. doi: 10.1177/0306312720953520

Anders T, Thaler S, Felt U. Schummeln trifft die ganze Uni. Der Standard. 2021 Mär 12.