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Aarden E. 3 Tips for interdisciplinary writing: Advice from winner of the Critical Policy Studies prize 2017.
Aarden E. Translating genetics beyond bench and bedside: A comparative perspective on health care infrastructures for 'familial' breast cancer. Applied & Translational Genomics. 2016 Dez;11:48-54. doi: 10.1016/j.atg.2016.09.001
Tóth B, Felt U. „Der Bachelor wird das sein, was die Matura einmal war“. Falter. 2016 Okt 27;43(16).
Mayer K, Sigl L. Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice: Eine Forschungsplattform der Universität Wien spürt den Bedingungen sozialer Verantwortung in Forschung und Innovation nach. oead news: Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung, International. 2016 Okt;(101):10.
Rae R. A reflection on engaging with public engagement with science Reflections - Blog of the STS Department at the University of Vienna. 2016.
Paulitz T, Goisauf M, Zapusek S. Lebenspraxis Wissenschaft? Von der praktischen Sperrigkeit des Work-Life-Balance-Konzepts im wissenschaftlichen Feld. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie. 2016 Sep 20;41(3):319-337. doi: 10.1007/s11614-016-0220-z
Fochler M. Variants of epistemic capitalism: knowledge production and the accumulation of worth in commercial biotechnology and the academic life sciences. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2016 Sep;41(5):922-948. doi: 10.1177/0162243916652224
Metzler I. Human life between biology and law in Germany. in Prozorov S, Rentea S, Hrsg., The Routledge Handbook of Biopolitics . London and New York: Routledge. 2016. S. 295-312
Felt U, Igelsböck J, Schikowitz A, Völker T. Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research in Practice: Between imaginaries of collective experimentation and entrenched academic value orders. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2016 Jul;41(4):732-761. doi: 10.1177/0162243915626989
Gluzman Y, Felt U. Handbook for the Ages: Peeking into the forthcoming 4th Edition of the STS Handbook 2016.
Fochler M, Felt U, Müller R. Unsustainable growth, hyper-competition, and worth in life science research: Narrowing evaluative repertoires in doctoral and postdoctoral scientists’ work and lives. Minerva. 2016 Mai 26;54(2):175-200. doi: 10.1007/s11024-016-9292-y
Sigl L. On the Tacit Governance of Research by Uncertainty: How Early Stage Researchers Contribute to the Governance of Life Science Research. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2016 Mai;41(3):347-374. doi: 10.1177/0162243915599069
Fochler M. Beyond and between academia and business: How Austrian biotechnology researchers describe high-tech startup companies as spaces of knowledge production. Social Studies of Science. 2016 Apr 7;46(2):259-281. doi: 10.1177/0306312716629831
Altenhofer M, Bachinger LM, En B, Engelhart J, Neumann V, Pöchhacker N et al. Editorial: Changing Worlds. in Changing Worlds: Ideologies, Utopias and Ambitions in Science & Technology. Band 12/2. EBSCO publishing. 2016. S. 9-16
Felt U, Gurel A. Talking Transdisciplinarity with Ulrike Felt: New Research in Science, Technology & Human Values 2016.
Aarden E. Tracing Sociomaterial Practices in Technoscientific Worlds. Stakes and Directions for STS. EASST Review. 2016 Mär;35(4).
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