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Mora-Gámez F, Schikowitz A, Davies S. Interpretative methods as interventions: revisiting methods as epistemic practices in STS. in Pfadenhauer M, Kusenbach M, Hrsg., Handbook of Interpretive Research Methods.. Elgar. 2025

Davies S, (ed.), Schikowitz A, (ed.), Mora-Gámez F, (ed.), Goldberg E, (ed.), Dessewffy E, (ed.), Pham BC, (ed.) et al. Revisiting Reflexivity: Liveable Worlds in Research and Beyond. Bristol University Press, 2025. 272 S. (Dis-positions: Troubling Methods and Theory in STS).

Felt U. Rethinking individual and community engagement with genomics in a digital world. in Kumar D, Chadwick R, Hrsg., Genomics, Populations, and Society. Elsevier. 2024. S. 209-226

Schmid S, Pham BC, Ferl AK. Trust in artificial intelligence: Producing ontological security through governmental visions. Cooperation and Conflict. 2024 Okt 19. Epub 2024 Okt 19. doi: 10.1177/00108367241288073

Felt U, Irwin A. Introduction: On encyclopedias, maps and miltiplicities in science and technology studies. in Felt U, Irwin A, Hrsg., Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edgar Elgar. 2024. S. 1-11

Felt U. Time and temporalities in academic research. in Felt U, Irwin A, Hrsg., Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edgar Elgar. 2024. S. 318-327

Pham BC, Davies S. Policy as infrastructure: Enacting artificial intelligence and making Europe. in Klimburg-Witjes N, Trauttmansdorff P, Hrsg., Technopolitics and the Making of Europe: Infrastructures of Security. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2024. S. 125–140 Epub 2023.

Radhuber I, Haddad C, Kieslich K, Paul KT, Prainsack B, El-Sayed S et al. Citizenship in times of crisis: biosocial state–citizen relations during COVID‑19 in Austria. BioSocieties. 2024 Jun;19(2):326-351. Epub 2023 Mai 22. doi: 10.1057/s41292-023-00304-z

Akyüz K, Goisauf M, Chassang G, Kozera Ł, Mežinska S, Tzortzatou-Nanopoulou O et al. Post-identifiability in changing sociotechnological genomic data environments. BioSocieties. 2024 Jun;19(2):204-231. doi: 10.1057/s41292-023-00299-7

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