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Shrum W, Mbatia P, Palackal A, Dzorgbo DB, Duque RB, Ynalvez MAH. Mobile Phones and Core Network Growth in Kenya: Strengthening Weak Ties. Social Science Research. 2011;40(2):614-625. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2010.09.015
Mayer K. Scientific images? How touching! Science, Technology & Innovation Studies. 2011;7(1). doi: 10.5281/zenodo.200234
Felt U, Fochler M. Slim futures and the fat pill. Civic imaginations of innovation and governance in an engagement setting. Science as Culture. 2011;20(3):307-328.
Felt U, Müller R. Tentative (Id)entities. On Technopolitical Cultures and the Experiencing of Genetic Testing. BioSocieties. 2011;6(3):342-363.
Felt U, Igelsböck J, Schikowitz A, Völker T. The Problem Multiple - Constructing 'the Research Problem' in Transdisciplinary Project Contexts. in Hofstätter B, Getzinger G, Hrsg., Conference Proceeding '10th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies'. Graz: Institute for advanced studies on science, technology and society (ias-sts). 2011
Musik C. The Thinking Eye is Only Half the Story: High-level Semantic Video Surveillance. Information Polity. 2011;16(4):339-353.
Felt U, Bochsler K. Wissenschaft: Tummelplatz der Schummler? "Tatort Wissenschaft" (Schweizer Radio DRS2) 2011.
Blauensteiner P, Kampel M, Musik C, Vogtenhuber S. A socio-technical approach for event detection in security critical infrastructure. in 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshops. PIscataway, NJ: IEEE. 2010. S. 23-30 doi: 10.1109/CVPRW.2010.5543164
Vermeulen N, Parker JN, Penders B. Big, Small or Mezzo? Lessons from Science Studies for the Ongoing Debate about "Big" Versus "Little" Research Projects. EMBO Reports. 2010;11(6):420-423. doi: 10.1038/embor.2010.67
Felt U. Children's Universities: Science Communication, Role-playing Exercise or First Step of Being Tamed? 2010.
Parker JN, (ed.), Vermeulen N, (ed.), Penders B, (ed.). Collaboration in the New Life Sciences. Ashgate, 2010.
Vermeulen N, Penders B. Collecting collaboration. Understanding life together. in Parker, J., N. Vermeulen, B. Penders (Eds.): Collaboration in the New Life Sciences. Ashgate. 2010. S. 3-13
Felt U, Fochler M, Winkler P. Coming to terms with biomedical technologies in different techno-political cultures: A comparative analysis of focus groups on organ transplantation and genetic testing in Austria, France and the Netherlands. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2010;35(4):525-553.
Felt U, Fochler M, Strassnig M. Experimente partizipativer ELSA-Forschung. Eine methodenpolitische Reflexion. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie. 2010;(10):33-67.
Miller BP, Ynalvez MAH, Duque RB, Anderson M, Sooryamoorthy R, Palackal A et al. Internet Reagency: The Implications of a Global Science for Collaboration, Productivity, and Gender Inequity in Less Developed. in Hunsinger, Jeremy; Klastrup, Lisbeth; Allen, Matthew (Eds.), International Handbook of Internet Research . Springer Verlag Wien - New York. 2010. S. 379-394
Felt U. Leben in Nanowelten: Zur Ko-Produktion von Nano und Gesellschaft. in Lucht P, Hrsg., Technologisierung gesellschaftlicher Zukünfte: Nanotechnologien in wissenschaftlicher, politischer und öffentlicher Praxis. Freiburg: Centaurus. 2010. S. 19-37
Felt U, Fochler M. Machineries for Making Publics: Inscribing and Describing Publics in Public Engagement. Minerva. 2010;48(3):219-238.
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