Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung

Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation formen zahllose Aspekte des Lebens in modernen Gesellschaften. Manche Veränderungen werden als positiv erlebt, andere sind hoch kontroversiell. Zugleich beeinflussen Politik, Medien, Firmen und andere gesellschaftliche Akteure, wie Wissen und Technologie erzeugt werden. Die Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung analysiert diese Beziehungen und fördert kritische und reflexive Debatten zu den Beziehungen von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Gesellschaft.


23.01.2025 15:00


We warmly invite you to the Master defensio of Eliška Pohlová

09.01.2025 13:15


We warmly invite you to the Master defensio of Paul Wunderlich

 STS Talks Vienna

20.02.2025 16:00

FutureSpace Talk by Sitraka Rakotoniaina

We are thrilled to announce Sitraka Rakotoniaina's Talk on February 20, 2025 04:00 pm

20.01.2025 17:00

STS Talk by Aristotle Tympas

We are thrilled to announce Aristotle Tympas' Talk on January 20, 2025 05:00 pm


30.09.2024 11:30

Habilitation colloquium of Dr. Astrid Mager

We have the pleasure to invite you to the habilitation colloquium of Dr. Astrid Mager on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 11:30 at the Institute for...

19.09.2024 10:30

Habilitation colloquium of Dr. Karen Kastenhofer

We have the pleasure to invite you to the habilitation colloquium of Dr. Karen Kastenhofer on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 10:30 at the Institute...



Sara Davies describes her book as an introduction to science, technology, and society answers these questions, and more, by exploring contemporary...


The prestigious award for culture and science is endowed with 10,000 Euros with a award ceremony in the town hall on November 27th, 2024


We have changed the opening hours of the library!

Mon, Thu: 10:00 am – 03:00 pm

Tue, Wed, Fri: 09:30 am – 01:30 pm


From 2014-2018, Professor Ulrike Felt was Dean at the Faculty of Social Science. In an interview with Katja Horninger she speaks about this particular...


We congratulate Astrid Mager and Karen Kastenhofer to their Habilitation and Hüseyin Kaya Akyüz to his PhD!


Ulrike Felt, together with Alan Irwin, gathered over 90 authors to write about Science and Technology.


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 New Publications

Huber B, Lepenies R, Baena LQ, Allgaier J. Beyond Individualized Responsibility Attributions? How Eco Influencers Communicate Sustainability on TikTok. Environmental Communication. 2022 Okt 14;16(6):713-722. Epub 2022 Okt 11. doi: 10.1080/17524032.2022.2131868

Avkiran AS, Pham BC, Holmer C, Schikowitz A, Dessewffy E, Mora-Gámez F et al. Pandemic Research: Reflecting an on auto-ethnography of mundane academic practice in pandemic times. in DIY Methods: A Mostly Screen-Free, Zine-Full, Remote- Participation Conference on Experimental Methods for Research and Research Exchange. The Low-Carbon Research Methods Group. 2022. S. 243-253