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'STS in context': International workshop hosted by the department


From 4-6 May the department hosted a workshop that brought together scholars from Czechia, Germany, and Austria.

Between Wednesday 4 and Friday 6 May the department hosted the workshop 'Science and Technology Studies in Context: Provincialising STS from Central Europe'. Funded by the CENTRAL Network, the workshop involved scholars from Charles University Prague, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, and the University of Vienna, and took as its main theme the ways in which STS research is shaped by its local contexts.

Participants offered reflections on questions such as: What institutional homes do we come from, and what does STS look like in these sites? What would our dream institution look like? And: How should or could STS be done otherwise? The workshop used ‘unconferencing’ methods to explore emergent topics, and to start a conversation (hopefully to be continued in other venues) about how we can critically reflect on our scholarly practices. It was organised by Fredy Mora Gámez and Sarah Davies.