Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung

Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation formen zahllose Aspekte des Lebens in modernen Gesellschaften. Manche Veränderungen werden als positiv erlebt, andere sind hoch kontroversiell. Zugleich beeinflussen Politik, Medien, Firmen und andere gesellschaftliche Akteure, wie Wissen und Technologie erzeugt werden. Die Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung analysiert diese Beziehungen und fördert kritische und reflexive Debatten zu den Beziehungen von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Gesellschaft.

 News & Events


How do we move from knowledge to action? This was the topic of the panel discussion “Can we still be saved?”


There is a new blogpost by Katja Mayer and Carsten Horn.


The Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices cordially invites you to an event featuring Klaus Hoeyer’s new book “Data Paradoxes: The...


Nina Klimburg-Witjes has been elected as a new member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ (ÖAW) Young Academy.


For my Project “FutureSpace” I am looking for 1 post-doc researcher (2.5 years with the option of extension to 5 years) and 1 PhD candidate (four...


Follow along the research journey of Tamara Bak, Tereza Butková, David Würflinger, and Michaela Zuckerhut and find out what they learned when talking...

 New Publications

Mora-Gámez F. Beyond citizenship: the material politics of alternative infrastructures. Citizenship Studies. 2020 Jul 3;24(5):696-711. doi:

Felt U. Public Health Communication: Anecdotal Evidence and Responsibility in Print Media Accounts of Obesity. in Felt U, Davies S, Hrsg., Exploring Science Communication. A Science and Technology Studies Approach. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 2020. S. 131-148

Penkler M, Felder KF, Felt U. Challenging Diversity: Steering Effects of Buzzwords in Projectified Healthcare. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2020 Jan;45(1):138-163. Epub 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1177/0162243919841694

Mora-Gámez F, Brown SD. A reparação a despeito de si mesma: traições psi na Colômbia pós-conflito. in Arruda Leal Ferreira A, Hrsg., Governamentalidade e práticas psi: a gestão pela liberdade. Band 2021-03. Rio de Janeiro: Editora NAU. 2020. S. 523-548