Awards & Other Prizes

We are very proud about the prizes, scholarships, and stipends awarded to our members. We congratulate past winners and encourage future engagements!


Ulrike Felt was selected Preis der Stadt Wien 2024 in the categorie  in categories Humanities, social sciences, cultural studies and law.

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sowi:docs Fellows 2023 won by Ariadne Sevgi Avkıran for her dissertation:

Seamless, flawless, and instant translation: Technoscientific expectations of neural machine translation


Marietta Blau-Grant (OeAD) won by Artemis Papadaki Anastasopoulou

for her dissertation-project: (Re)assembling single-use plastics on different scales: In the EU, Greece and the Municipality of Sikinos


AK-Wissenschaftspreis won by Anna Pillinger for her master thesis:

Imagining Care Robots at a Dementia Station – Or: Wishing for a Unicorn

sowi:doc Completion Scholarship won by Laura Bomm for her dissertation:

Plastics and Time: The role of temporal narratives for citizens sense-making of plastics

Marietta Blau-Grant (OeAD) won by:

Florentine Frantz, for her dissertation-project: Living with the Ideals of Good Scientific Practice: Necessary Fictions, Distributed Responsibility and Reflexive Care in Contemporary Life Sciences

Paul Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg, for his dissertation-project: European (Technological) Borders of the Future? The Digital Imperative in European Border Management


Grant from Riksbankers Jubileumfond (Sweden) won by Fredy Mora-Gamez for his project:

Calculating migration: A multi-sited ethnography of algorithmic governance and redistribution keys

STS Austria Prize for the best publications by early career researchers won by:

Ruth Falkenberg for her Master Thesis: Downward-facing dog meets randomised controlled trial: Investigating valuations in medical yoga research

Andrea Schikowitz for her PhD Thesis: Choreographies of Togetherness. Re-Ordering Collectivity and Individuality in Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research in Austria.


Ulrike Felt has been elected into the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), in the section: SOCIAL CHANGE AND SOCIAL THOUGHT.


ÖAW DOC Fellowship won by Paul Trauttmannsdorff for his dissertation-project:

European (Technological) Borders of the Future? The Digital Imperative in European Border Management



STS Infrastructure Award won by Ulrike Felt as editor for the:

Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (4th edition 2017, The MIT Press) – edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouché, Clark A. Miller, and Laurel Smith-Doerr





Förderpreis Dr. Maria Schaumayer-Stiftung won by Marlene Altenhofer for her Master Thesis:

Resisting Surveillance. The Performance and Staging of Expertise of a Bottom-up Organised Privacy Advocacy Group

uni:docs Fellowship won by Kaya Akyüz for his dissertation project:

Genopolitics: The Dynamics in Trying to Make a New Research Field

FWF Hertha-Firnberg Fellowship won by Ingrid Metzler for her project:

Reimagining prenatal care - A comparison of the emergence of next generation sequencing technologies and the transformation of democracy in Germany, Italy, and Austria



The Ars docendi - the Austrian national teaching award - has been awarded to the Department's innovative cased based learning approach in the first semester of its Master program. This is a great honor, and we congratulate  the Master's core teaching team: Ulrike Felt, Dorothea Born, Maximilian Fochler, and Anna Pichelstorfer


Förderpreis Dr. Maria Schaumayer-Stiftung won by Lisa Lehner for her Master Thesis:

Tracing Identities Through Time. Assisted Reproduction, Narratives of Time and Women´s Biographical Work



Univie Teaching Award won by Dorothea Born, Ulrike Felt, Maximilian Fochler, and Philippe Sormani (supported by the student assistents Marlene Altenhofer, Leo Matteo Bachinger, Florian Bayer) in the category:

"Gelebte Modularisierung"

EASST Ziman Award won by Ulrike Felt (in collaboration with international scholars) for significant innovative cooperation in a venture to promote the public understanding of the social dimensions of science for their report:

"Science in Society: Caring for Our Futures in Turbulent Times"


uni:docs Fellowship won by Daniela Schuh for her dissertation project:

"Re-framing Citizenship in Bio-constitutional Futures. Transnational Surrogacy and the Re-ordering of Citizenship in France and Germany"


City of Vienna Doc.Awards won by Ruth Müller for her dissertation:

"On Becoming a ‘Distinguished’ Scientist. Individuality and Collectivity in Postdoctoral Life Scientists’ Narratives about Living and Working in the Academic Sciences"


SuMa Award of the the German Association for Internet Research won by Astrid Mager for her dissertation:

"Sociotechnical Practices of Communicating Medical Knowledge via the Web and their Epistemic Implications"


ÖAW APART Fellowship won by Maximillian Fochler for his postdoctoral research project:

"Living and Working in the Hothouses of Innovation"